Science Teaching Tamil Movie songs
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Theeyae Theeyae song from Maatran Movie
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Without Atomic reaction (அணு சிதைவு), electricity is not possible... Lets go to the main topic
It is just a basic, to know more about this concepts google it 🕵...
Science is everywhere and in everything...🕵
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Yes,, the most ghajji song of the movie (Not in visuals but the lyrics are)... The lyricist described the feelings of an adolescence boy towards an adolescence girl where he used some engineering term also.. see it in below video
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அணு சிதைவில்லாமல் பெண்ணில் à®®ின்சாà®°à®®்...
How Electricity works ???
Everything in universe is made from Atoms, including you! Different materials have different types of atoms.Atom
At the centre of an Atom is the Nucleus, this houses two particles known as the Neutron and Proton. The Neutron has no electrical charge but the Proton has a positive electrical charge.
Surrounding the Nucleus are different layers of orbital shells which act like flight paths for another type of particle known as the electron. The electrons travel long these paths much like satellites orbit around our planet, except that the electrons travel at almost the speed of light.
The negative charge of the neutrons is attracted to the positive charge of the Proton which keeps the electrons in orbit. Each orbital shell can hold a set number of electrons. The number of Protons, Neutrons and Electrons an Atom has tells us which material it is and the combination is unique for each material.

Atoms hold onto their electrons tightly but some materials will hold onto their electrons more tightly than others. The outer most orbital shell is known as the Valance shell and in this shell some materials will have loosely bound electrons which can float to other Atoms.

Detailed View of atom model
Lets see why the electron movement matters most...

When no current applied - Free electrons movement is random
If we look inside a slice of Copper cable we would see the free electrons of the atoms move from one atom to another, however this occurs randomly in any direction.

When current applied - Free electrons movement is in perfect path
If the slice of cable were then connected in a closed circuit to a source of power such as a battery, then the voltage will force the free electrons to move and this will cause them to all flow in the same direction, to try and get back to the other terminal of the battery
If we introduce a light & switch in the circuit, the flow of electrons will be like these

Electron flow in closed vs Open circuit
Conductors, Semi-Conductors and insulators
Materials which can pass electrons are known as “Conductors” meaning they can conduct electricity. Most Metals are conductors. Atoms which do not have free electrons are known as insulators, materials like glass and rubber are good examples of this.
We can combine Conductors and Insulators together to safely use electricity. This is is done by surrounding the conductor with an insulator, this allows electrons to flow but it restricts where they can flow to. This is how a cables and wires work.

Conductors vs Semi conductors vs Insulators
![]() |
Band gap diagram |
It is just a basic, to know more about this concepts google it 🕵...
Science is everywhere and in everything...🕵
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