Engineering Myth VS Truth
Myth :- Air coolers working fine in Chennai
Truth :- It's NOT...
Lets see about Air cooler operating principle
Air cooler / Evaporative cooler, sometimes referred to as a swamp cooler, utilizes water-soaked pads to cool the air. This process works because a fan pulls hot air into the unit, sending it through a series of pads that helps evaporate the liquid into a gas which then blows out cooler than it was when it entered the unit. The evaporation process works similar to the effect of rubbing cold water on your skin on a hot day

While air conditioners (AC) draw moisture out of the air, swamp coolers cool with the opposite effect by adding humidity to the air it blows out. The fan also continuously circulates air, creating a slight breeze, which will help make your body feel cooler
Now let see the important terms in simple wordings
Humidity in simple term, it is measure of water content in the air. If the humidity is 40%, then 60% water it can still Hold.
Humans are very sensitive to humidity, as the skin relies on the air to get rid of moisture. The process of sweating is your body's attempt to keep cool and maintain its current temperature. If the air is at 100 percent relative humidity, sweat will not evaporate into the air. As a result, we feel much hotter than the actual temperature when the relative humidity is high. Your shirt may become saturated with perspiration that doesn't go anywhere, leaving you feeling like a swampy bog monster of revolting proportions.

Sticky !!!!
For instance, if you are going to Marina beach on evening and spending some times on shore. You will feel exactly like the above animated man ... Your dress, skin, hair will be stickier than before.. because humidity at marina beach is high...
While Indian team playing cricket in Chennai, Mumbai, Kolkata, we often hear the word HUMIDITY from the commentators... Relate that with this post...

Marina Beach Typical weather Report
For example, if the air temperature is 24 degrees Celsius and the relative humidity is zero percent, the air temperature feels like 21°C to our bodies. If the air temperature is 24 °C and the relative humidity is 100 percent, we feel like it's 27 °C out.

Now you got some ideas ????.... Yes you are right, low humid condition gives comfortable environment to humans than the high Humid conditions..
See the below animation how air cooler works

OMG ???
From the above now you will get some rough ideas that it creates the cooling effect by adding humidity to the air it blows out.
Air cooler giving some comfort in afternoon but not in the Night. During night it will increases the discomfort.
Moreover for some people it does not suits due to health issues??? (Different topic though..) It is better to buy an AC rather than the Air cooler if you are a chennaite..
This case is not only for Chennai.. It is applicable for all places with high humid conditions!!!..
It is just an abstract !!! ...
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