Why does ceiling fan speed decreases during Summer

Most of the Indians facing this situation, ceiling fan speed decreasing, oh summer is coming..

But why??? Let’ see

First we will see some glimpse about it…
  1. Ceiling Fans in India rotating in Anti-clockwise
  2. Ceiling Fans will increases the room temperature
  3. Ceiling Fans can decapitate you

See the Glimpse in detail on reverse order

Ceiling Fan can decapitate you

It’s a Myth, apparently some people worry about getting their heads chopped off by a ceiling fan.  And it can certainly happen but only if you replace the motor with a more powerful one and change out the ceiling fan paddles with razor-sharp blades

Relax!  You won't get your head chopped off by a (normal) ceiling fan. But it can give us enough damage if you are reaching it for fun. Stay away, let the machine do its duty

Ceiling Fans will increases the room temperature

Yes, a ceiling fan is a cooling device.  But its effect on the room it's in is to add heat.  Why?  Because electric motors are devices that turn electrical energy into mechanical energy, most of which ends up as heat.  From the second law of thermodynamics, we know where that heat generated by fan motor is going into the cooler room.
Then how we feel comfort when the ceiling fan is in operation.

Cooling you only when they move air over skin.  They cool our bodies in two ways:  by aiding evaporative cooling and by aiding convective cooling.  If the air movement created by a ceiling fan isn't hitting anyone's skin, then it's just making the space warmer with no cooling benefit

Ceiling Fans in India rotating in Anti-clockwise

Does ceiling fan direction the important one? Yes of course it is the deciding factor (see the below image)

During winter also, fans are rotating in Anti-Clockwise direction and forces the room air down on you and make you feel chiller. In response to that we are reducing the fan speed or switching it off. If we makes it to rotate in clockwise direction, we can avoid the wind chill effect on our body

But in India dual direction rotating fans are not so familiar, most of us still using Anti-clockwise fan only (Typically designed for summer condition), now a day’s dual direction rotating feature fans are selling as Smart fan with remote control but in most of the countries they are already using these types as their standard fan..

Fact is fan speed is not reducing, climate has been changed. Climate change gives the different feel although…

Few Tips on Ceiling Fan selection apart from above...

The longest blade gives more efficient than the smallest blade. Smallest blade is cute but not so efficient...

The lower speed fans are more efficient...

Fans work best when the blades are 2 to 2.75 meters above the floor and 25 to 31 centimetres below the ceiling. Fans should be installed so their blades are no closer than 20 centimetres from the ceiling and 46 centimetres from the walls...

 Bye 👋👋... See you all in next topic 

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